
Project maintained by muhammad-khair Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide

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I'm Kayu, your alternative personal task management to Duke!
What can I do for you?

Welcome to Kayu!

Kayu is a project template for a greenfield Java project. It’s renamed after the Java mascot Duke.



  1. Viewing help: help
  2. Listing all tasks: list
  3. Find tasks based on description keywords: find
  4. Adding a to-do task: todo
  5. Adding an event task: event
  6. Adding a deadline task: deadline
  7. Marking a task as ‘done’: done
  8. Deleting a task: delete
  9. Listing all notes: list-notes
  10. Adding a note: note
  11. Deleting a note: delete-note
  12. Exiting the program: bye
  13. Saving the data
  14. Editing the data files

Installing Kayu

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.
  2. Download the kayu.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for the application.
  4. Double click to run the app. This is how you should be greeted with by the app.




Viewing help: help

Shows the commands available to execute.
Format: help

Listing all tasks: list

Lists all tasks that exists presently.
Format: list

Find tasks based on description keywords: find

Finds the tasks based on descriptions that matches the specified keywords.
Example: find test gives tasks such as [T][X] test this case and [E][ ] do smoke tests (at: 2021-09-16 17:23).

Adding a to-do task: todo

Adds a to-do task.
Format: todo DESCRIPTION
Example: todo Complete powerpoint slides

Adding an event task: event

Adds an event task.
Example: event Do smoke tests /at 2021-09-16 17:23

Adding a deadline task: deadline

Adds a deadline task.
Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE TIME
Example: deadline Clear papers /by 2021-10-18 12:34

Marking a task as ‘done’: done

Marks a task as done. TASK-ID must be a valid task id.
Format: done TASK-ID
Example: done 3

Deleting a task: delete

Deletes a task. TASK-ID must be a valid task id.
Format: delete TASK-ID
Example: delete 5

Listing all notes: list-notes

Lists all notes that exists presently.
Format: list-notes

Adding a note: note

Adds a note.
Format: note DESCRIPTION
Example: note CS2103 is fun

Deleting a note: delete-note

Deletes a note. NOTE-ID must be a valid note id.
Format: delete-note NOTE-ID
Example: delete-note 5

Exiting the program: bye

Terminates the program. Format: bye

Saving the data

Data is automatically saved to the relevant files after each command.

Editing the data files

Tasks and Notes data are saved as text files [JAR file location]/data/tasks.txt and [JAR file location]/data/notes.txt respectively. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.